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DoITPoMS Micrograph Library Full Record for Micrograph 594

Full Record for Micrograph 594

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Brief description
Carbon string
carbon, carbon fibres Link to MATTER Glossary entry for carbon fibres, composite material Link to MATTER Glossary entry for composite material, fibre Link to MATTER Glossary entry for fibre, polymer Link to MATTER Glossary entry for polymer
Ceramic, Polymer
Not specified
Standard codes
Carbon fibres are produced by oxidising polyacrylonitrile in air at 230 deg C whilst applying tension, and then carbonising the product in nitrogen at 1000 deg C
Carbon string is woven from the fibres that result from the drawing of carbonised PAN
Carbon fibre composites are used as a structural material in the aerospace and automotive industries, as well as in certain high-performance sporting equipment. They present exceptional stiffness and can be structurally optimised for particular load-bearing applications.
Sample preparation
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Length bar
400 μm
Further information
Carbon string is used as a conducting bridge in the preparation of specimens for observation in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is also representative of the preforms used in the manufacture of some carbon fibre based composite components. Fibres can be woven into appropriate shapes using traditional weaving technology. The preforms can then be injected with the resin matrix by processes such as resin transfer moulding (RTM) or resin film infusion (RFI).
J A Curran
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Licence for re-use
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International