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Yield Criteria for Metals
It is proposed to fabricate the propeller drive shaft for a human-powered aircraft from a thin-walled tube of an aluminium alloy, with a uniaxial yield stress of 400 MPa. The shaft is to be 20 mm in diameter. In service, the shaft will be subjected to a driving torque of 40 Nm and a simultaneous, axial compressive thrust from the propeller of 400 N.

Using the Tresca yield criterion, show that the minimum thickness is 0.319 mm.

Compressive stress is given by

\[\sigma = \frac{W}{2\pi rt}\] where W is compressive thrust
   t is thickness
   r is radius

For a thin-walled tube, a driving torque produces a shear stress given by

\[ \tau = \frac{Q}{2\pi r^{2}t}\] where W is driving torque.
W = 400 N, Q = 40 Nm, r = 10 mm.

Since \(\sigma = \frac{W}{2\pi rt}\) and \(\tau = \frac{Q}{2\pi r^{2}t}\), therefore σ = -0.1τ or τ = −10σ.

We can use Mohr's circle to calculate the principal stresses in the wall of the tube:
σ2 10σ -σ/2 10σ 0 σ1 σ τ
\(\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} - \sigma & \tau\\ \tau & 0\\ \end{array}} \right)\) is the 2D stress tensor.
The principal stresses are:
\[\sigma_{p}=-\frac{\sigma }{2}\pm \sqrt(100.25))\left | \sigma \right | \] From the circle, it is clear that the shear stress is dominant, as:
τ = −10σ
The third principal stress acts radials on the thin-walled tube and is zero. Therefore, the largest difference in principal stresses is equal to:
\[ 2 \sqrt(100.25))\left | \sigma \right |=2k=\gamma \] where k is the shear yield stress and γ is the uniaxial shear stress.

We are given γ = 400 MPa. Hence, σ = -19.975 MPa at yield.
Thus, the minimum thickness of the tube wall is:
\[t = \frac{W}{2\pi r\left | \sigma \right |} = \frac{400}{2\pi \times 10^{-2}\times19.975 \times 10^{5}}\mathrm{m} = 0.319\mathrm{mm}\] However, we need to assume a reasonable factor for safety, e.g. 3, so t ~1 mm would be a reasonable thickness of the tube wall.