Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS)


Geometry as slip proceeds

Let N = number of slip planes in the sample, d = perpendicular spacing of slip planes. During slip, both N and d remain constant.

Diagram illustrating geometry as slip proceeds

d = (l/N) cos φ \ N d = l cos φ

N and d are constant, so lcos φ must also be constant throughout slip. Hence

l0 cos φ0 = l1 cos φ1

The same can be done for λ:

Diagram illustrating geometry as slip proceeds

d= (l/N) cos (90º - λ) \ N d = l sin λ

N and d are constant, so l sin λ must also be constant throughout slip. Hence

l0 sin λ0 = l1 sin λ1