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Categories > Polymer

37 compositions available. The number of micrographs available is given in [brackets].

Amorphous polyethylene terephthalate (APET) [1]
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Araldite CT200/HT907 'matrix' with cylindrical CT200/HT901 'fibre' [2]
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Araldite CT200/HT907 'matrix' with ellipsoid CT200/HT901 'particle' [1]
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C294H590 [1]
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C36H74 [1]
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Carbon [3]
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Carbon fibre, epoxy resin matrix [2]
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Coating of polypyrrole [2]
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K24 (4-cyano-4'-8-alkylbiphenyl) [1]
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Kevlar fibre, epoxy resin matrix [3]
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Low concentration (<0.3 vol%) suspension in water [1]
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LPE:BPE 1:3 [1]
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LPE:BPE 3:1 [1]
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MBBA [1]
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Not specified (System: Carbon nanotube) [4]
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Not specified (System: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)) [1]
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Not specified (System: Polypropylene (PP)) [3]
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Not specified (System: Low density polyethylene (LDPE)) [1]
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Not specified (System: Polyurethane (PU)) [4]
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Not specified (System: Nylon) [1]
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Not specified (System: High density polyethylene (HDPE)) [2]
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Not specified (System: Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)) [4]
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Not specified (System: C) [1]
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Not specified (System: Urea formaldehyde) [1]
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Not specified (System: Polycarbonate (PC)) [7]
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Not specified (System: Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)) [5]
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Not specified (System: Polystyrene (PS)) [9]
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Poly methyl methacrylate [1]
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Polypropylene with 15% glass fibres [1]
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Polystyrene [2]
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PS - 15%PB [1]
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PS - 35%PB [1]
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Random copolyester of average molecular weight 14401 [2]
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Random copolyester of average molecular weight 14402 [1]
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Rigid copolyester of hydroxybenzoate (HBA) and hydroxynapthoate (HNA) (1:1) [2]
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Semi-flexible LCP, Cl-7 [1]
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Semi-flexible LCP, Cl-8 [1]
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