Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS)



Polymers are widely used materials. Their versatility makes them suitable for a whole range of applications, and comes from the capability of manufacturers to tailor microstructures and therefore properties through control of the processing conditions.

An understanding of polymer crystallinity is important because the mechanical properties of crystalline polymers are different from those of amorphous polymers. Polymer crystals are much stiffer and stronger than amorphous regions of polymer. For example, high strength fibres can be produced from polyethylene whereas it is more commonly associated with applications such as carrier bags and plastic cups, where low cost and ease of manufacture are the key considerations in the choice of material. This TLP covers the formation of crystals in polymers, how they can be observed under the optical microscope, and the response of a semicrystalline polymer sample to uniaxial stress.