Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS)


Transverse strength derivation

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Fibre volume fraction = f = π;r2L / 4R2L = πr2 / 4R2

Maximum fibre cross-sectional area fraction  = 2r L / 2R L = \(2\)\( \sqrt{\frac{f}{\pi }} \)  = maximum fractional reduction in cross-sectional area


Minimum matrix cross-sectional area fraction = X = 1 – \(2\)\( \sqrt{\frac{f}{\pi }} \)

The composite ultimate transverse tensile stress is therefore a fraction X of the matrix ultimate tensile stress:

\[{\sigma _{2u}} = {\sigma _{mu}}\left[ {1 - 2{{\left( {\frac{f}{\pi }} \right)}^{1/2}}} \right]\]