Dissemination of IT for the Promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS)



This TLP has covered the main aspects of superconductivity:

  • The discovery of the superconductive transition at low temperature by Onnes in 1908.
  • The properties that define superconductivity – zero resistance and perfect diamagnetism.
  • The idea that superconductivity can be explained by a macroscopic quantum state, where electrons move coherently and many can be described by a single wavefunction.
  • The London equations which provide a phenomenological model describing the magnetic field penetration within a superconductor.
  • The formation of Cooper pairs by the interaction of electrons with lattice vibrations.
  • The basics of BCS theory and the creation of an energy gap between filled and unfilled electronic energy levels.
  • The difference between type I and type II superconductors with respect to how they interact with external magnetic fields.
  • Applications of superconductors and their relevance to everyday life.