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DoITPoMS Micrograph Library Full Record for Micrograph 629

Full Record for Micrograph 629

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Brief description
FORMGRIP closed cell aluminium foam
alloy Link to MATTER Glossary entry for alloy, aluminium Link to MATTER Glossary entry for aluminium, aluminium foam, cell Link to MATTER Glossary entry for cell, composite foam, composite material Link to MATTER Glossary entry for composite material, foam Link to MATTER Glossary entry for foam, FORMGRIP, metal
Foam, Metal or alloy, Metal or alloy composite foam
Not specified
Standard codes
Pre-oxidised titanium hydride is used as a foaming agent
The FORMGRIP technique involves use of 1 to 3 wt% titanium hydride to a modified melt as a foaming agent
Closed cell aluminium foams are an ultra-light material, with potential structural applications in transport and construction. They may also be used in energy absorbing structures and heat exchangers
Sample preparation
Photography (no microscope)
Length bar
6 mm
Further information
Additions such as SiC are made to molten aluminium or aluminium alloy to modify the melt viscosity and make it suitable for foaming. 1 to 3 wt% of pre-oxidised titanium hydride is then added to the melt which is solidified to form a precursor which can be foamed in a controlled manner by a subsequent heat treatment. The resulting foam has a relatively fine and uniform cell structure.
Dr V Gergely
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Licence for re-use
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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